


词典in hundreds and thousands

盈千累万 双语例句

1. 盈千累万的意思

1. 它是一株新奇、悦目、枝长的小树,无数的细如线缕的旁枝蓬松披散,没有叶子,开着盈千累万的小小白团花,象一丛插满花朵的头发。
    It was an odd and charming shrub with a long stem, whose numerous branches, bristling and leafless and as fine as threads, were covered with a million tiny white rosettes, this gave the shrub the air of a head of hair studded with flowers

2. 所以财产够用,就该知足;至於盈千累万,那也不算福乐。
    Man's happiness does not consist in the possession of abundant goods; a very little is enough.

3. 盈千累万的反义词

3. 盈千累万的人们不得不破费更多的精神和工夫进修新的手艺和常识,使得他们在失业市场能连结劣势。
    Millions of people have to spend more time and energy onstudying new skills and technology so that they can keep afavorable position in jobmarket.

4. 盈千累万的反义词

4. 他们听了,就光荣天主,并对保禄说:弟兄!你看,在信教的犹太人中盈千累万,都是热爱法律的人
    They praised God when they heard it but said to him, "Brother, you see how many thousands of believers there are from among the Jews, and they are all zealous observers of the law.

5. 无可置疑,此刻有盈千累万的人仍过着受饿受冻的痛楚生涯。
    It is indisputable that there are millions of people whostill have a miserable life and have to face the dangers ofstarvation and exposure.

6. 盈千累万的亚洲人则来到太平洋沿岸。1901至1910年间,移民达到了最高峰,这个时期从各方面漂洋过海来到美国的人约有880万。
    Thousands of Asians came to the Pacific coast. The peak of movement was reached in the period from 1901 to 1910 during which some 8, 800, 00 persons entered the country.

7. 由於资讯科技快速进步,不同於过去传统社会的学习方式亦有重大改变,盈千累万的学习理论与因应科技的数位学习逐渐受到重视。
    Because information technology advances very fast, the learning style different from the one in traditional society has a great change. Thousands of learning theories and corresponding e-learning has become inspective.
