1. frown:单就面部表情来说,它可分为对视(eye contact)、笑(smile/laugh)、皱眉(frown)等,当然心灵的沟通是最重要的. 但是中学生在使用或辨别相邻语对时常常会出现失误. 除了不注意语境的死搬硬套之外,还有以下原因:
2. 皱眉是什么意思
2. scowl:不让牛轻推(nudge),我们挤进去(wedge),十个小 木屋( ),做完就离开(dodge) -acle 系列: 树上结蜜糖(treacle),或者发神谕(oracle),男生戴手铐(manacle),债多会崩溃(debacle) 傲了猫头鹰(owl),思考才皱眉(scowl),怎样才咆哮(howl),
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3. frown vi:beard n.胡须 | frown vi.皱眉 | brow n.眉,眉毛
4. 皱眉
4. frown v:fraud n. 骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计 | frown v. 皱眉 | furious a. 狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的
1. 皱眉
1. 昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头吓唬邋遢的乌鸦。
The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.
2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
2. 我和我的吉他发挥出自己的道路这使他们皱眉头但小件的高方式使我失望地雷不是一个核心的石头我只是皮肤和骨骼现在和那些小件小件我自己你为什么不给我一些爱情吗?
Me and my guitar play my way it makes them frown but little pieces by the high way bring me down mine is not a heart of stone i am only skin and bone now and those little pieces are little pieces of my own why don't you give me some love?
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3. Inger皱眉:有些病人发现他们和他们的治疗者的关系更亲密了。
Inger frowned. Some patients find it brings them closer to their donors.
4. 他咬咬牙,紧皱眉头,坐进金微面前的沙发里。
His teeth biting, tight frown, sitting in front of the micro-gold sofa, .
5. 四叔皱了皱眉,四婶已全知道了他的意思,是在讨厌她是一个寡妇。
My uncle frowned at first and my aunt knew that he disliked her just because she was a widonw.
6. 皱眉什么意思
6. 永远不要皱眉,即使你很悲伤,因为你不知道谁会倾心于你的淡然一笑。
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with you smile.
7. 但这套系统最近洋相百出,频频传出50岁的老头被机器判为未成年不准买烟、高中生一皱眉头便被当作成年人的笑料。
However, the system is proving to be unreliable having already identified a 50-year-old fellow as an underage adolescent.
8. 凯瑟琳皱眉了,退到窗前的座位上,咬着她的嘴唇,试着哼起怪调儿来掩盖越来越想哭的趋势。
The little rogue thought I had not seen her, and, drawing back, she took her former station by the window, quite demurely.
9. 凯瑟琳皱眉了,退到窗前的座位上,咬着她的嘴唇,试着哼起怪调儿来掩盖越来越想哭的趋势。
Catherine frowned, and retreated to the window-seat chewing her lip, and endeavouring, by humming an eccentric tune, to conceal a growing tendency to sob.
10. 归为一类的惯常做法,怎能不让人皱眉蹙眼呢?
It makes me wince even thinking about eye operation.
11. 皱眉蹙眼忍着难逃的关节炎疼痛,她弯下身去从地上拣起那些自信封,然后坐在钢琴凳上拆看。
With the inevitable wince of pain from her arthritis, she bent to retrieve the white envelopes from the floor. She opened them while sitting on the piano bench.
12. 皱眉什么意思
12. 就连底比斯国王,仅因为在本国崇拜巴克斯问题上皱了皱眉头,也遭受了同样的惩罚。而带领这群狂热的女人胡作非为的就是狄俄尼索斯的母亲。
King Pentheus of Thebes, frowning on the worship of Bacchus in his kingdom, suffered for the same treatment at the hands of a band of these fanatical women, of whom his own mother was the leader.
13. 皱眉
13. 就连底比斯国王,仅因为在本国崇拜巴克斯问题上皱了皱眉头,也遭受了同样的惩罚。而带领这群狂热的女人胡作非为的就是狄俄尼索斯的母亲。
King Pentheus of Thebes, for frowning on the worship of Bacchus in his kingdom, suffered the same treatment at the hands of a band of these fanatical women, of whom his own mother was the leader.
14. 就连底比斯国王,仅因为在本国崇拜巴克斯问题上皱了皱眉头,也遭受了同样的惩罚。而带领这群狂热的女人胡作非为的就是狄俄尼索斯的母亲。
King Pentheus of Thebes, frowning on the worship of Bacchus in his kingdom, suffered the same for treatment at the hands of a band of these fanatical women, of whom his own mother was the leader.
15. 皱眉的解释
15. 如果你经常皱眉,皱纹就会出现在你脸上。
If you often knit your brows, wrinkles will appear on your face.
16. 皱眉的解释
16. 王玉转过头来,看见凑近的白蛇,皱了皱眉头,一手拎起白蛇的尾巴,扔在一旁的石头上,这下,这条蛇完全晕了过去。
Wang2 Yu4 Zhuan3 is overdo and see press near of white snake, wrinkly knit the brows, the skill start to carry white the tail of the snake, throw at a side of rock up, this bottom, this snake complete faint.
17. 我注意到你今儿个一整天又是叹气,又是皱眉头的。
I noticed that you`ve been sighing and frowning all day today.
18. 皱眉在线翻译
18. 她见他在调皮,眉头便皱了起来——那样子又美丽又可爱,他不禁楼过她就亲吻,吻得她不再皱眉头。
She frowned at his facetiousness - a pretty, adorable frown that made him put his arm around her kiss it away.
19. 她见他在调皮,眉头便皱了起来--那样子又美丽又可爱,他不禁楼过她就亲吻,吻得她不再皱眉头。
She frowned at his facetiousness - a pretty, adorable frown that made him put his arm around her and kiss it away.
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20. 他皱皱眉头,站起身来,走到书架边随手抽了一本书。
He frowned, and getting up, went over to the bookcase and took out a volume at hazard.