

Huang Qi;
皇戚 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 早在二百年前,东陵的糕点加工业就十分发达,为了迎合陵房祭祀和皇戚贵族们的需要,很多能工巧匠、名师高徒创造了名目繁多、味道别致的珍奇品种,如十八件、龙井饼、麒麟酥、萨棋玛、七星点子等。
    As early as two hundred years ago, Dongling on the bakery industry is well developed, in order to meet the Emperor Ling Qi Housing and noble sacrifice to the needs of many craftsmen, teachers create a varietygao tu, taste rare and unique species, such as 18, Longjing tea cakes, crisp Kirin, Sa-ki Ma, Seven Star, etc.

2. 虽贵为皇戚,却呕心沥血执著地参加科举考试三十年,最终不得第,遭遇凄惨,令后世读书人悲悼不已。
    Although he was born royalty, but after painstaking efforts dedicated to participate in examinations or three decades, eventually not the first, miserable experience, so that later scholars mourn incessantly.
