

皇恩[huánɡ ēn]


皇恩 网络解释

1. huangen:kuangshen狂神 | huangen皇恩 | tyndc太阳能电池

皇恩 双语例句

1. 这次皇恩浩荡,皇上派了咱哥儿俩这个差使,原是挑咱们发一笔横财来着。
    His Majesty in his great generosity has chosen us for this job, with a view to letting us line our pockets.

2. 因此他得到了一个既含有基督教成分又包括皇恩的特别葬礼。
    As such he received a special funeral which combined Christian elements with the honours given by the Emperor.

3. 那些当年受她皇恩润泽,享受荣华富贵的亲友,没有人照看她,也没有人去寻找她的尸骨。
    Who was by her Huangen moisturizes and enjoy Ronghuafugui friends and relatives, no one to care for her, no one to look for her remains.

4. 袭击珍珠港的神风队员自杀式的攻击,自当是报答皇恩
    The kamikaze attack on Pearl Harbor, members of a suicide attack, since when is infinite royal reward.

5. 皇恩

5. 并且皇恩大赦,给了一个让人心满的排名
    And emperor favour amnesty, gave a rank that makes popular feeling full

6. 皇恩什么意思

6. 在封建社会牌坊是崇高荣誉的象徵。树牌坊是彰德行,沐皇恩,流芳百世之举,是人们一生的最高追求。
    Since long ago, these peculiar archways are generally accepted as a mark of Chinese culture.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 假使真有谁能够替他们决定,定下什么奴隶规则来,自然就“皇恩浩荡”了。
    If anyone is able to decide for them, set rules to what is a slave, naturally on the " infinite royal graciousness " of the.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 假使真有谁能够替他们决定,定下什么奴隶规则来,自然就“皇恩浩荡”了。
    If anyone is able to decide for them, set rules to what is a slave, naturally on the " infinite royal graciousness " of the.
