

100 test;
百试 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 服饰是百试不爽的灵符和神咒,可以维持一切事物的现有秩序。
    Dress was the one unfailing talisman and charm used for keeping all things in their places.

2. 优质的产品与优质的服务是齐头并重的,服务是产品质量的延伸,是企业打开市场一把百试不爽的金钥匙。
    High-quality products and quality service is the first both Qi and service is an extension of the product quality is the enterprise open up the market a hundred golden key test of sorts.

3. 百试的近义词

3. 我在这边帮人看,百试不爽的。
    I am here to help people to see, all sorts of test.

4. 百试什么意思

4. 这个系统是我给客户做网站时所应用的,而且百试不爽。
    When I do a website to the client, this system is used, and 100 try accurate.

5. 等等。已经有人发明了这种百试不爽的购物卡,它的名字叫:现金。
    Wait a minute. Somebody already invented that go-anywhere gift card. It's called cash.

6. 相信我,这招百试百灵!
    Trust me. it works every time!

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 但广告业高管表示,这招百试不爽。
    But there are none, the advertising executives say.

8. 百试是什么意思

8. 是不是?对别人合适,对你就不一定适用,更何况,有好些东西还不一定就有那么神效,要不然,岂不成了百试百应的万应灵丹了,你说是吧!
    Appropriate to others, not certain to you applicable, more what is more, the rather that, still do not have better thing certainly so magical effect, or, won'ted do 100 try 100 answering cure-all, you say is!
