

百日维新[bǎi rì wéi xīn]

词典Hundred Days of Reform百日维新。

百日维新 汉英大词典

百日维新[bǎi rì wéi xīn]

[中] Hundred Days of Reform (1898年6月1日戊戌变法由颁布新法到变法失败, 历时一百零三天, 参见“戊戌变法”)

百日维新 网络解释

1. hundred days of reform:309. 湘军 Hu-nan Army | 310. 百日维新 Hundred Days of Reform | 311. 百花齐放运动 Hundred Flowers Campaign

2. 百日维新什么意思

2. Hundred Day's Reform:<<马关条约>>(现下关) Treaty of Shimonoseki | 百日维新 Hundred Day's Reform | 义和团运动 Boxers Movement

百日维新 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 百日维新失败、八国联军入侵中国,清政府遭受奇耻大辱,这一切让中国知识分子意识到,那种一夜之间就想让中国完成制度改革的想法行不通。
    This reflects the consensus among educated Chinese around 1900 to work on gradual and peaceful, long-term and comprehensive reforms.

2. 摘要百日维新变法前夕,严复实际上已经充分作好了直接参与变法的准备。
    Before the Hundred-Day Political Reform in 1898, Yan Fu had already finished the direct participation political reform preparation.

3. 百日维新变法前夕,严复实际上已经充分作好了直接参与变法的准备。
    Before the Hundred-Day Political Reform in1898, Yan Fu had already finished the direct participation political reform preparation.

4. 书院改学堂即改旧式书院为新式学堂,是清末教育改革的重要内容,它肇始于百日维新,完成于清末新政。
    Academy changed School from old form to a new one that is the great content in education reform in the late Qing dynasty which started from One Hundred Days Reform and ended in the New Deal in the late Qing dynasty.
