1. 瘦牛在线翻译
1. 他把家里的瘦牛牵出来,到公家的牛群里去挑头肥牛,他把它换了,他干这个事,结果罢了官,被人检举之后又调任了小官。
He led home the thin cows out to the public for the first pick of cattle into fat and sleek, he changed it, he do this, only the results official, who was spotted later transferred to a small official.
2. 他很穷!有一天,他看家里实在揭不开锅了,便把父亲留给他的瘦牛拿去集市上卖了。
He was poor! One day, he did not see at home is to eat the food, and then lost his father left to take the market on cattle sold.
3. 农夫试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。
The father tried fatten the lean cattle for market.
4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
4. 农夫试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。
The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market.
5. 一岁的小母牛或小公牛。七只肥牛和七只瘦牛均指七年。
The seven fat and thin cows mean seven years.
6. 兴旺百年的江南纺织业迅速没落,昔日富可敌国的丝商们顿时都成了“病象瘦牛丧家狗”。
After hundred years of prosperity, Jiangnan silk industry rapidly declined, the once fabulously rich silk merchants suddenly became " sick elephants, lean cattle and homeless dogs ".
7. 瘦牛什么意思
7. 书中讲埃及法老梦见七头肥牛和七头瘦牛在河边吃青草。
No, sire, for that would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity
8. 兴旺百年的江南纺织业迅速没落,昔日富可敌国的丝商们顿时都成了“病象瘦牛丧家狗”。
After hundred years of prosperity, Jiangnan silk industry rapidly declined, the once fabulously rich silk merchants suddenly became " sick elephants, lean cattle and homeless dogs ".