




瘦劲 双语例句

1. 其次它是一种重要的的书法风格,中国的四大书体颜柳欧赵中,柳体与欧体都是以瘦劲而著称于世的。
    Secondly, it is a kind of important calligraphy, Chinese style style of four YanLiu Europe, with OuTi LiuTi zhao is thin strength is famous in the world.

2. 瘦劲的解释

2. 他用长锋羊毫作书,并保持中锋用笔而求瘦劲,这不仅须善于择取古学之长,而且更需千锤百炼,把握到其中的奥妙。
    He preferred to use a writing brush made of goat's hair and his strokes were thin and of great strength, absorbing and capturing the essence of many ancient Chinese calligraphers.

3. 诗经》《楚辞》构成了诗歌历史长河的两大源头;历经汉魏风骨、齐梁声律,至唐,在集大成的基础上,成诗歌之盛世,蔚为壮观;其后的宋诗,虽不似唐诗的典雅丰腴、意气浩然,然亦瘦劲冷峭、精细澄澈;与此同时,唐宋词以她姹紫嫣红、千姿百态的丰神,与唐宋诗争奇斗妍;元明清三代,诗词成就虽不及唐宋,但就具体诗人而言,也还有一些好的作品可供后人欣赏。
    Book of Songs"Songs of the South constituted the two main sources of the long history of poetry; strength of character after the Han, Wei, Qi Liang sound law, Zhi Tang, in the synthesizer, based on the poetry of the Golden Age into the magnificent; subsequent Song, though not elegant like Tang, heavily, emotional awe-inspiring, nevertheless thin Jin is cool, fine clarity; At the same time, Tang and Song Ci in her Colorful, strange things in Feng Shen, and Zheng-qi Dou-Yan Tang and Song poetry; Yuan Ming and Qing dynasties, although not the achievements and the Tang and Song poetry, but in terms of specific poets, there are still some good work for future generations to enjoy.

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4. 她抬起眼瞅着他冷硬瘦劲的脸。
    She lifted her eyes to his hard, lean face.
