1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. 痴魂;痴儿女◎痴 chī。。。
Such as: silly soul; silly children ◎ crazy chī...
2. 痴儿女的近义词
2. 问世间情为何物,直叫生死相许;天南地北变双雁,老翅几回寒暑;双乐趣,离别愁,就中更有痴儿女?哈哈,这个可是我在神雕侠侣中看的台词。。很金典吧。李末愁的金典话
In the early 1970s, general anaesthesia and laparotomy were necessary for both recoery and transfer of boine embryos, and embryo transfer was used in the UK and North America mainly for the rapid multiplication of imported exotic beef breeds.
3. 作为开博的文章,我想了想,决定还是写得战斗些,软绵绵的儿女情长和花痴似的没什么意思。
The barbarous invader should spend more time on praying to ur GOD for what they did especially killed.