



词典mourn deeply痛悼。

痛悼 双语例句

1. 痛悼

1. 如果在家,对失去亲人的痛悼气氛和愤怒的情绪交替着。
    If it`s home, elegiac competes with angry for emotional first place.

2. 他那长久的、光辉灿烂的一生已永远结束,令人不胜痛悼
    His long and brilliant career is closed, alas! Forever

3. 人们痛悼周总理的逝世。
    People deeply mourned over Premier Zhou's death.

4. 亲属需要时间痛悼他们失去的至爱。
    Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost.

5. 这位老人的辞世是尤文图斯俱乐部不可估量的损失,更令亚平宁足坛和整个法制世界为之痛悼。同时,他也是最享负盛誉的杰出律师之一。
    This was a huge loss for Juventus, for Italian football in general and for the world of Law, as he'd alsobeen one of the most outstanding attorneys.

6. 痛悼

6. 旧恨新愁使我痛悼蹉跎的时光。
    Put it on a boat and make a mark on the boat at

7. 痛悼是什么意思

7. 母亲痛悼着遗失之子,这世界最迷人的男子,拥有独一无二的光芒与华丽,轻盈的金发,晶莹的蓝眼,娇艳的皮肤闪烁着,伟岸英俊,强壮勇猛,完美无暇。
    A mother mourns the loss of her son. The most wonderful man in the world; light and shining, fair and beautiful as no other man. Light blond hair, wonderful skyblue eyes and a skin so fair it shines! Tall and handsome, strong and brave, perfect in all his being.

8. 痛悼的意思

8. 我怀宝宝时也是,从25周时说绕两周、到30多周的时候还是两周,所以妈妈坚持让我破腹产,我没同意,等我肚子痛悼医院的时候(39周加5)又是好好的,没有脐绕颈,一切都很好,医生说这种情况也很多。
    I am also pregnant, from around 25 weeks, said two weeks, to more than 30 weeks or two weeks time, so my mother insisted that破腹production, I did not agree that waiting for me when the hospital痛悼belly (39 weeks plus 5) they are good, there is no umbilical cord around neck, all is well, doctors say many such cases.
