

痘子[dòu zǐ]


痘子 双语例句

1. 痘子

1. 那是痘子吗?
    Is it? What, a pimple?

2. 痘子的解释

2. 它们会让我的痘子消失吗?
    Will they help clear up my pimples(4)?

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 结果我发现我是把他脖子上的一个大痘子咬破了。
    Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck. Into my mouth.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 结果我发现我是把他脖子上的一个大痘子咬破了。
    Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck.

5. 不行 你不会想看一张痘子脸的
    You don't wanna see a face covered with pox.

6. 我长痘子不想出门
    I can't go anywhere with this pimple.

7. 我好像长痘子
    I think I'm getting a pimple.

8. 痘子

8. 一般痘子是挤出80%,然而也有20%却跑到皮肤更深层,并冲破毛囊,感染周围真皮的结缔组织,久而久之久之就会形成凹洞,这样只能用磨皮治疗了。
    General smallpox son is to force out 80%, but also have 20% to run but deeper, and break through a hair follicle to skin, bindweb infecting the vicinity dermis, in good time long that only is capable to do the concave hole taking form, such can only use mill skin to have treated.
