病恹恹[bìng yān yān]
词典weak with sickness:病恹恹。
词典sickly in appearance:病恹恹。
词典sickly complexion:病容;病恹恹;病色。
病恹恹[bìng yān yān]
weak with sickness; sickly in appearance; sickly complexion
1. 病恹恹什么意思
1. 他说:他在手术后住了两星期医院,当时只觉得病恹恹的。
I was in the hospital for two weeks after the operation.
2. 病恹恹的意思
2. 没有人能比养了一条病恹恹的金鱼的人来得无助。
No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
3. 裁缝非常的疲劳,病恹恹的。
The tailor was very tired and beginning to be ill.
4. 病恹恹的近义词
4. 汤姆看起来病恹恹的,而感觉甚至更不好。
Tom looked sick and felt even worse.
5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
5. 若严重脱毛的一只鸟通常看上去总是没精打采而又病恹恹的话,那是不足为怪的。
It is not surprising that a bird in heavymolt often seems listless and unwell.
6. 他看上去总是一副病恹恹、不开心的样子。
He went about looking ill and unhappy.
7. 病恹恹的反义词
7. 她是个病恹恹的女人。
She was a broken woman.
8. 病恹恹
8. 那个病男孩给医生一个病恹恹的微笑。
The sick boy gave the doctor a wan smile.
9. 病恹恹的反义词
9. 有什么不对劲吗?你看起来病恹恹的。
Is there something wrong? You look sick.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. 看起来病恹恹的,而感觉甚至更不好。
Looked sick and felt even worse.
11. 此外还要接待来客,应付突如起来的各种杂事。何况,我还架着一副病恹恹的皮囊。
Otherwise, I must recept some visitors and deal with some unexpected trivals with such a sickly body.