

疲敝[pí bì]


词典be running low疲敝。

词典become inadequate疲敝。

疲敝 汉英大词典

疲敝[pí bì]

(of manpower, resources, etc.) be running low; become inadequate

疲敝 双语例句

1. 我仿佛受了伤,孤独而疲敝,如果没有你。
    Without you, I'm wounded, worn out and lonely.

2. 不管有着多么坚强的意志,强烈的紫外线让她在夕阳中也显得力不从心,疲敝不堪、活力大减,失去了清晨的可爱。
    Have no matter how strong will, strong ultraviolet radiation in the sunset she also appeared to be inadequate, 疲敝state, reduced vitality, loss of the lovely morning.

3. 疲敝

3. 连日加班使他身心十分疲敝
    Working overtime for days made him mentally and physically exhausted.

4. 疲敝的近义词

4. 但是要观察到它长长的优美的尘埃带只有借助于哈勃望远镜的智能仪器来疲敝掉恒星本身的刺眼强光。
    But it took the Hubble Space Telescope with a clever device to block out the glaring light of the star itself and see the graceful, elongated band of dust.

5. 疲敝的忠诚,衰退了的英雄主义,满足了的野心,既得的利益,都在寻找、索取、恳请、央求什么呢?
    Devotion which is weary, heroism which has grown old, ambitions which are sated, fortunes which are made, seek, demand, implore, solicit, what?
