

It is easy to;
番易 双语例句

1. 番易什么意思

1. RCA於1970年起在本研究标的物建厂,雇用可观数目员工生产电子设备,促进当地经济与就业机会,曾为我国的外人投资典范,随著产业景气变化,历二十余年三番易主,关厂后因土地接近市区,交通便利,顺利由当时的新兴财团-长亿实业接手,通过都市计画变更,规划为住宅(容纳2,125人)及大型商业区之建案,(行销企划案名:长亿桃园双子星计画「未来之城」),并向银行团贷得新台币31亿元,惟经举发该址土壤及地下水遭污染,RCA企业形象跌落,而财团点地成金之梦倏然而止,漫长的整治过程自此展开。
    In March 2000, less than 2 months after our Legislative Yuan passed the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act, two banks took the RCA site as collateral and arranged a NT$3.1 billion syndicate loan, which support its owner to carry on construction project. They disregards the fact that the RCA site was found been contaminated, unfortunately, the project was end up with nothing, due to the land registration authority who register the prohibition against the disposition of the land. The owner was bankruptcy and the two banks wrote off the whole loan.
