留难[liú nàn]
词典make things difficult for sb.:与人为难;犯难;留难。
词典put obstacles in sb.'s way:留难。
留难[liú nàn]
(无理阻止, 故意刁难) make things difficult for sb. ; put obstacles in sb.'s way
1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 我看不出有什么理由为这事而留难他的主人。
I don't see how this affair could have delayed his master.
2. 默想耶稣是不是刻意留难这少年人呢?
But he did not answer her a word.
3. 她在傍晚致电上司要求多告一天假,却遭留难,問她想要工作还是家庭。
She called her supervisor in the evening to request for another day off, but he curtly asked her whether she wanted her job or her family.
4. 留难的近义词
4. 船长看到这种情形,就假装自己无权决定,要征得我的同意才行。后来,经过种种留难,他们也发誓痛改前非,才把他们收容上船。上船后,每人结结实实地挨了一顿鞭子,打完后再用盐和醋擦伤处。从那以后,他们果然成了安份守己的人了。
Upon this the Captain pretended to have no Power without me; But after some Difficulty, and after their solemn Promises off Amendment, they were taken on Board, and were some time after soundly whipp'd and pickl'd; after which, they prov'd very honest and quiet Fellows.
5. 留难
5. 大学时part time做楼面,最记得个鬼佬captain同我讲,如果个客rude,面黑黑,除非睇得出系有心留难,玩野,就应对佢更好礼貌,笑多D,因为其实个客可能头先系转咗几十个街口至泊到车,或收工前比老细照肺等,系一时间心情唔好;你对佢好D,大部份人都会自觉,但系如果你同佢一样黑,个客D态度只会更差,多多事实,最后都系烦到自巳。。。
BA is ok for me last time.
6. 留难是什么意思
6. 经过种种留难,经过他们答应痛改前非,他们才被收容上船。
After some difficulty, and after their solemn promises of amendment, they were taken on board.