




画赞 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 魏晋南北朝时期,史赞、经赞、画赞、杂赞四类赞体文蓬勃发展,作品数量大增,并在时代及文学创作大环境的影响下出现新变和发展,造就了赞体文的繁荣期。
    In Weijin and Nanbei Dynasties, the four classifications of History Zan, Confucian classics Zan, Picture Zan and Miscellaneous Zan had vigorous development, works quantity soared, appeared changing and development under the influence of times and big literature creative environment and created the Prosperous period of literature style Zan.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 依据赞体文的发展形态,我们把赞体文在先唐时期的发展流变分为萌芽期——先秦、成形期——汉代和繁荣期——魏晋南北朝三个时期,从史赞、经赞、画赞、杂赞四个体类发展的角度进行论述。
    On the basis of the develop form of literature style Zan, we can divide the development and evolvement of literature style Zan before Tang Dynasty into three periods: Sprout period——Xianqin、Develop period----Lianghan and Prosperous periods----Weijin and NanbeiDynasties, then organize the thesis from four classifications: History Zan, Confucian classics Zan, Picture Zan and Miscellaneous Zan.

3. 画赞在线翻译

3. 赞体是中国古代文学中的一种重要文体,而画赞又是赞体中比较特殊的一类。
    Zan is the ancient Chinese literature in an important style, while drawing praise is praise the more specific body of a class.
