由浅入深[yóu qiǎn rù shēn]
词典from the shallower to the deeper:由浅入深。
词典go from the easy to the difficult and complicated:由浅入深。
由浅入深[yóu qiǎn rù shēn]
from the shallower to the deeper; go from the easy to the difficult and complicated
1. Family is unhappy in its own way:Fall to the ground. 失败. | Family is unhappy in its own way. 由浅入深. | fantastic money dream 不可思议的发财梦
2. 由浅入深的翻译
2. proceed from the simple to the more complex:由何而起 whence arises this? 由近而遠 from the close-by examples to those far off; | 由淺入深 proceed from the simple to the more complex; | 經由 via.
3. 由浅入深的反义词
3. JSP:jsp精华文章 | JSP由浅入深 | JSP语法
4. biizjqin:biiochtd 由点到面 | biizjqin 由浅入深 | bijn 申奥