

生祭 双语例句

1. 你必须从你的手卡或场上生祭1Red Eyes B。
    You must also Tribute 1 Red Eyes B.

2. 生祭的反义词

2. 在你的战斗阶段你可以生祭任意数量自己场上的表侧表示的卡兽并将他们的攻击力加到此卡上。
    During your own Battle Phase you can Tribute any number of face-up monsters on your side of the field and add their ATK to this cards.

3. 生祭的意思

3. 这些tokens不能被用与生祭召唤。
    These tokens cannot be used as Tributes for a Tribute Summon.

4. 此卡只能生祭自己场上1体等级7以上的卡兽特殊召唤。
    This card can only be Special Summoned by sacrificing 1 Level 7 monster or higher on your side of the field.

5. 生祭是什么意思

5. 将自己场上的2只怪兽作为生祭,破坏对方场上全部怪兽。
    By offering 2 Monsters on your Field as Tributes, all Monsters on your opponent's Field are destoryed.

6. 此卡的攻击力与守备力是生祭召唤此卡的的卡兽攻击力与守备力的总合。
    This cards ATK and DEF is equal to the ATK and DEF of the monsters used for its Tribute Summon.
