

甘之如饴[gān zhī rú yí]

词典enjoy sth. bitter as if it were malt sugar甘之如饴。

词典be quite content even in adversity甘之如饴。

词典gladly endure hardships甘之如饴。

词典pleasantly consuming it as if taking sugarplums -- to be willing to endure in crisis

甘之如饴 汉英大词典

甘之如饴[gān zhī rú yí]

enjoy sth. bitter as if it were malt sugar; be quite content even in adversity; gladly endure hardships; pleasantly consuming it as if taking sugarplums -- to be willing to endure in crisis

甘之如饴 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. enjoy sth bitter as if it were malt sugar; gladly endure hardships:甘言悦耳--tickle sb's ear | 甘之如饴--enjoy sth bitter as if it were malt sugar; gladly endure hardships | 尴尬异常--look very put out; be much embarrassed

2. smack one's lips:功败垂成 a slip betwixt cup and the lip | 甘之如饴 smack one's lips | 甘拜下风 play second fiddle

3. gan zhi ru yi:甘之如饴 gan zhi ru yi | 瓜熟蒂落 gua shu di luo | 功亏一篑 gong kui yi kui

甘之如饴 双语例句

1. 尽管美国本土汽车巨头的日子已不再甘之如饴,但从长远看,国际汽车业的前景依然令人期待,尤其是新能源汽车领域。
    Although the United States is native land the day of car tycoon already no longer enjoy sth bitter as if it were malt sugar, but from long-term look, the foreground of international car line of business still makes a person expect, especially domain of car of new energy resources.

2. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴
    University freshmen get lots of razz, but they like the initiation.

3. 甘之如饴的反义词

3. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴
    University freshmen get lots razz, but they like the.

4. 甘之如饴

4. 在学习过程中,也曾遇过许多瓶颈,诸如扫瞄器太慢等设备上的问题,工作分配上的问题,最多的,还是被赶稿逼急的压力,纵然如此,凭著对漫画的热忱,他们依旧甘之如饴
    During the course of learning, they also have met with many difficulties; for instance, the scanner works too slowly and the work can`t be distributed fairly among club members.

5. 看似清苦,可是他甘之如饴,从不觉得还缺少什麽。
    It seems austere but he enjoys it very much, never feeling insufficient.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 南茜,你要是我夫人,就是毒咖啡我也甘之如饴
    Nancy, if you were my wife I'd drink it.

7. 当你做一件对自己生命很重要的事,再苦都甘之如饴
    When you're doing somethig important with your life, you will enjoy it no matter how hard it is.

8. 甘之如饴什么意思

8. 这样的价格下,欧洲公共事业作为买家甘之如饴
    These prices make European utilities willing buyers.

9. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴。这些计算是很繁重的工作,但是亚当斯对这种工作甘之如饴
    University freshmen get lots of razzing, but they like the initiation. They were laborious, but he relished this kind of work.

10. 尽管顶著烈日,大家挥汗如雨,不过每个人都甘之如饴,在同心协力之下,才一个上午的时间就几乎完成所有的工作。
    Despite their heavy labor under a scorching sun, the brothers and sisters found joy in their work, which they almost completed in one morning of concerted effort.

11. 她的创作和现代作家张爱玲关注的都是尘世生活,但相对张而言,她更能融入这世俗生活并甘之如饴
      Both Chili and the modern writer Zhang Ailing always focus on the mortal life. However, compared with Zhang, she is able to be more involved in this world and sweeten it.

12. 甘之如饴什么意思

12. 这样的房间一晚要价三百五十美元,游客却甘之如饴,因为他们买到的是与野生动物共处的真趣,是其他地方无法提供的。
      They get along with wildlife is true interesting, other places can't provide.

13. 甘之如饴的解释

13. 能做的只是爱你,如果你不爱我,我也甘之如饴
      Just being able to love, if you don't love, still fine

14. 我会说,我甘之如饴
      I say, have a nice day

15. 我以为和我在一起,你会甘之如饴的,杰拉德。
      I thought you were quite happy here with me, Gerald.

16. 如果你以为他甘之如饴,那你大错特错了。
      If you imagine he is quite happy in such a position, you are mistaken.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 但是如果最后我们还在一起,即使是诅咒,我也甘之如饴地选择
      But in the end if I`m with you, I`ll take the chance.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. 你是怎么知道我甘之如饴地将我的心献给你的?
      How did ya'know I'd give my heart gladly?
