

瑞气[ruì qì]

词典celestial phenomena portending peace and prosperity瑞气。

瑞气 汉英大词典

瑞气[ruì qì]

(吉祥之气) celestial phenomena portending peace and prosperity

瑞气 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 昔日瑞气袅绕、仙乐悠扬的道源圣地,如今是面目全非,剩下的只是蔼蔼烟尘中的残垣与断壁。
    The holy place, origin of Taoism was once surrounded by auspicious wind and melodious sound, but now it is beyond recognition, leaving only broken walls in dim dusts.

2. 本鼎带有中国3000年文化灵气,是中华民族智慧结晶,能镇灾避邪,带来繁荣鼎盛,鼎盛荣昌,瑞气迎祥,同时也是地位身份富贵和平的象征,具有较高收藏观赏价值。
    It is 133cm high, 110cm length, 78cm width and 288kg weigh, which represents the spirit of Chinese 3000 years culture and is the crystal of our nation`s wisdom.

3. 瑞气企业是一家专业从事常温空分领域的气体分离,提纯技术的开发,生产及应用的企业。
    RICH is a professional enterprise integrating research, development and applicant of gas separation and purification.

4. 瑞气以质量可靠,技术领先的产品,周到贴切的服务获得了较高的用户满意度。
    With reliable quality, advanced technology and considerate service, RICH has obtained a high degree of users'satisfaction.

5. 瑞气

5. 事实上,瑞气千条并不神秘,而是一种自然现象。
    In fact, the brocken bow is not sacred, it is only a natural phenomenon.

6. 简介:瑞气企业是一家专业从事常温空分领域的气体分离、提纯技术的开发、生产及应用的企业。
    RICH is a professional enterprise integrating research, development and applicant of gas separation and purification. Since 1979, RICH has taken part in the research and manufacturing of air separation.

7. 瑞气什么意思

7. 龙在中国人的心中,不仅是一个代表中华民族的图腾,中国文化的五趾天龙是慈爱和兴旺的象征,也代表吉祥、尊贵与至善,龙的图腾在清朝时被视为国徽,寓意国运昌隆、万民归心,因此在中国的宫殿或寺庙常采用龙柱或龙的图腾以示瑞气吉兆。
    In Chinese people`s mind, dragon is more than a totem representing Chinese nation.

8. 瑞气

8. 因为力量太大了,尽虚空遍法界没有一个地方,不是有这种祥光瑞气弥漫著。
    It's so powerful that there isn't a place in all of space or the entirety of the Dharma Realm that isn't flooded with auspicious light.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 5000年玉文化孕育的祥云瑞气,注定这是一处投资创业的福地。
    Liangzhu is blessed by the jade culture of5000 years as a treasured land for investment and business.
