1. 蜀人孙光宪所撰笔记小说《北梦琐言》存在着一些缺陷。
The note novel wrote observing and thinking by sun guangxian, the Shu people, has some defaults.
2. 第三章,介绍《北梦琐言》对后世史学、文学及近现代学者的影响,对其文献校勘价值进行说明。
Chapter three introduces the influence of Bei Meng Suo Yan on science of history, literature and modern scholars and explains its value of collating.
3. 琐言
3. 本文在前人校勘工作的基础上,对《北梦琐言》中的部分条目加以校勘,订正了8条讹误。
This paper examines part of the entries in Observing and Thinking based on the early achievements, in which way eight errors have been revised.