1. 琉璃灯的翻译
1. Rainbow Glass:球场照明灯 Court Light | 琉璃灯 Rainbow Glass | 交通号志灯 Traffic Light
1. 琉璃灯的解释
1. 房间里有一个象天然从墙上凿成的壁龛,上面放着一套阿拉伯式的宝剑,剑鞘是银的,剑柄上镶嵌着灿烂的宝石;天花板上悬下一盏突尼斯琉璃灯,式样和色彩都很美丽,脚下是土耳其地毯,软得陷及脚背;弗兰兹进来的那扇门前挂着织锦门帘,另外一扇门前也挂着同样的门帘,那大概是通第二个房间门的,那个房间里似乎灯火辉煌。
In a recess was a kind of divan, surmounted with a stand of Arabian swords in silver scabbards, and the handles resplendent with gems; from the ceiling hung a lamp of Venetian glass, of beautiful shape and color, while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet, in which they sunk to the instep; tapestry hung before the door by which Franz had entered, and also in front of another door, leading into a second apartment which seemed to be brilliantly illuminated.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 梵宫里最特别的是让人叹为观止天象图;由琉璃、黄金、翡翠、猫眼等珍贵珠宝融合而成的佛教传世之作-华藏世界,及28层莲花瓣灯环抱组成的穹顶圣坛。
This palace is built for Second World Buddhist Forum and is full of artwork and treasure.
3. 元宵节燃灯的习俗,经过历朝历代的传承,节日的灯式越来越多,灯的名目内容也越来越多,有镜灯、凤灯、琉璃灯等等。
Lantern Festival custom, the ancient historical heritage, festival Light-type, more and more of the nominal lamp more and more content, there are mirror lights, phoenix lights, glass lamps and so on.
4. 当我们来到了东的上班的地方,印入眼帘的是个硕大的很耀眼的招牌,琉璃灯五光十色,灯火闪烁,真的让人眼花缭乱
When we arrived at east to go to work of place, print is a large very dazzling placard into the eyelid, the azure stone light is resplendent and multicolored, the lights gleams, really making the person dim in vision and confused
5. 琉璃灯
5. 天花板上悬下一盏突尼斯琉璃灯,式样和色彩都很美丽,脚下是土耳其地毯,软得陷及脚背到中国译典经典版本中查找关于instep的最新解释和例句。。。。
From the ceiling hung a lamp of Venetian glass, of beautiful shape and color, while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet, in which they sunk to the instep
6. 天花板上悬下一盏突尼斯琉璃灯,式样和色彩都很美丽,脚下是土耳其地毯,软得陷及脚背;
From the ceiling hung a lamp of Venetian glass, of beautiful shape and color, while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet, in which they sunk to the instep;