

玉液琼浆[yù yè qióng jiāng]

词典top-quality wine琼浆玉液;玉液琼浆。


词典good wine醁;青州从事;玉液琼浆;美酒。

玉液琼浆 汉英大词典

玉液琼浆[yù yè qióng jiāng]

top-quality wine; good wine

玉液琼浆 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. nectar:14 out on a limb孤立无助 | 15 nectar玉液琼浆 | 16 oyster part 仅出场一次的演员oyster white乳白色

玉液琼浆 双语例句

1. 愿你年年都有鸟语花香,天天都有玉液琼浆
    Wish you every year fine spring day, every day Yu Ye Qiong Jiang.

2. 爱 ,人类最美好的情感,是无比芳醇的精神体验,有爱的时候,便如饮玉液琼浆般醉着,美丽而飘逸。爱着,爱或者被爱,都将有尊严而且高贵。
    Love, man's nicest feeling is uncomparable spiritual experience, of pure fragrance, in love, it is like drinking wine like drunken angel, in love to love or to be loved, all is dignified and noble.

3. 她用知识的玉液琼浆营养自己,来与困难对抗,她知道青春易逝,年华易老,只有接受现实把握时光才能把握自己的未来和生命。
    She used the way his poems did nutrition knowledge, to fight with difficulty, she know, time is fleeting youth, only accept the reality of old time can grasp the future and life of himself.

4. 玉液琼浆

4. 为了祭奠这场对大自然抗争的结果,人与动物都忘情于这玉液琼浆之中,从清早一直喝到日落。
    In order to pay homage to the outcome of this struggle of nature, man and animals are being immersed in the Yu Ye Qiong Jiang, had been drinking from early in the morning sun.

5. 亚当之醴是玉液琼浆
    Adam`s ale is the best brew.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 各种气味交杂在一起,散发出淡淡的诱人的芳香,置身其中,感受自然,如饮玉液琼浆,恍如人间仙境,世外桃源。
    All kinds of smells pay miscellaneous together, emitting a light of the attractive aroma, from which to feel natural, such as drinking Yuyeqiongjiang, like worldly paradise, and paradise.
