


词典Xianling Mausoleum献陵。

献陵 双语例句

1. 献陵的反义词

1. 悠久的历史,孕育了光辉灿烂的楚文化,造就了楚辞文学家宋玉、楚歌舞艺术家莫愁女等一批在历史上产生深远影响的人物;明嘉靖皇帝曾发迹于此;境内文物众多,构筑了全国最大的单体帝陵——显陵和气势恢宏的明代建筑群,(显陵,原名献陵,是明嘉靖皇帝的生父朱佑杭、生母蒋氏的合葬墓,是我国中南六省唯一的一座明代帝陵)。
    A long history and gave birth to the glory of Chu culture, created the Songs of the South Song writer, Chu Mo song and dance artists such as the number of women in history have a far-reaching impact on people; Emperor Ming Jiajing have this rich; Large number of cultural relics in the territory, to build the country`s largest single Mausoleum - a significant hills and magnificent buildings of the Ming Dynasty, (significant hills, Xianling real name is the emperor of the Ming Jiajing father Zhu You-Hang, He Zangmu His mother is my South Africa`s only a six provinces in the Ming Dynasty Mausoleum).
