献媚[xiàn mèi]
词典try to ingratiate oneself with:献媚。
词典curry favour with:阿谀奉承;趋承附和;卖好;巴结。
词典make up to:巴结, 拍马屁。
献媚[xiàn mèi]
try to ingratiate oneself with; curry favour with; flatter; make up to:
fawn on one's superior;
He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family.
1. flatter vt:deflationist n主张紧缩通货者 | flatter vt献媚;阿谀;奉承;使高兴;(画,肖像等上的形象)胜过(真人或哦实物) | flatterer n阿谀奉承者;拍马P的人
2. 献媚什么意思
2. creep:creep 献媚 | When you were here before, 你曾经在我面前, | couldn't look you in the eye. 我却对你视而不见.
3. flatter:fade 褪色 | flatter 献媚 | sore 伤心的
4. schmeichelhaft:taugen 有用 | ausbuhen 发出奚落的嘘声 | schmeichelhaft 献媚