

猫耳洞[māo ěr dònɡ]


猫耳洞 网络解释

1. 猫耳洞的意思

1. foxhole:a shell leaving a rifle出膛的子弹 | foxhole猫耳洞 | A movie of sb.把某人拍下来

猫耳洞 双语例句

1. 我的手下不挖猫耳洞,我也不希望你们挖。
    And don't give the enemy time to dig one either.

2. 猫耳洞的翻译

2. 我的手下不挖猫耳洞,我也不希望他们挖。
    My men don't dig foxholes. I don't want them to.

3. 我们要持续进攻,不给敌人挖猫耳洞的时间。
    Keep moving. And don't give the enemy time to dig one either.

4. 未到老挝前,对它的印象仅停留在猫耳洞、战争、贫穷。
    By admin on Feb.04, 2010, under Uncategorized

5. 猫耳洞只会使进攻放缓。
    Foxholes only slow up an offensive.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 20年以后,在世界的另一边,他们又面对着阴暗、肮脏的散兵坑,散发恶臭的战壕,潮湿污浊的猫耳洞,还有那火辣辣的太阳,狂暴的倾盆大雨,荒无人烟的丛林小道。他们忍受着与亲人长期分离的痛苦煎熬,热带疾病的猖獗蔓延,兵殇地区的恐怖情景。他们坚定果敢地防御,迅速准确地攻击。他们站在血泊中继续战斗,终于赢来永恒的胜利。
    And 20 years after, on the other side of the globe, again the filth of murky foxholes, the stench of ghostly trenches, the slime of dripping dugouts; those boiling suns of relentless heat, those torrential rains of devastating storms; the loneliness and utter desolation of jungle trails; the bitterness of long separation from those they loved and cherished; the deadly pestilence of tropical disease; the horror of stricken areas of war; their resolute and determined defense, their swift and sure attack, their indomitable purpose, their complete and decisive victory—always victory.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 20年以后,在世界的另一边,他们又面对着阴暗、肮脏的散兵坑、散发恶臭的战壕、潮湿污浊的猫耳洞,还有那火辣辣的太阳、狂暴的倾盆大雨、荒无人烟的丛林小道。他们忍受着与亲人长期分离的痛苦煎熬、热带疾病的猖獗蔓延、兵燹地区的恐怖情景。他们坚定果敢地防御,迅速准确地攻击;他们站在血泊中继续战斗,终于赢来永恒的胜利。
    And 20 years after, on the other side of the globe, again the filth of murky foxholes, the stench of ghostly trenches, the slime of dripping dugouts; those boiling suns of relentless heat, those torrential rains of devastating storms; t he loneliness and utter desolation of jungle trails; the bitterness of long sepa ration from those they loved and cherished; the deadly pestilence of tropical di sease; the horror of stricken areas of war; their resolute and determined defens e, their swift and sure attack, their indomitable purpose, their complete and de cisive victory — always victory.
