

独断独行[dú duàn dú xíng]


词典indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions独断独行。

词典act arbitrarily专断;独断独行;自专;一意孤行。

词典act dictatorially独断独行。

词典act personally in all matters独断独行。

独断独行 汉英大词典

独断独行[dú duàn dú xíng]

indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions; act arbitrarily; act dictatorially; act personally in all matters; decide and act alone (without advice from others); decide and act arbitrarily; decide and act on one's own responsibility; go one's ow

  例:此事根本没有讨论过, 也没有通知过我, 是他独断独行

    None of this was discussed or communicated to me. He went his own way.

独断独行 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. act arbitrarily:act against such persons as to make bankrupt<英> 破产条例 | act arbitrarily独断独行 | act as a commission agent代销

2. 独断独行是什么意思

2. highhanded, arbitrary, imperious, overbearing, decide and act alone:很有決斷 have strong decision; | 獨斷獨行 highhanded, arbitrary, imperious, overbearing, decide and act alone; | 非常果斷 have determination of character;

3. go one's own way:give way to sb/sth让..在先;被...代替;让步 | go one's own way独断独行 | makw way for sb/sth为. .让步
