狗血喷头[gǒu xuè pēn tóu]
词典pour out a torrent of abuse:狗血喷头。
词典abuse ... up hill and down dale:狗血喷头。
词典be scolded in a very humiliating fashion:狗血喷头。
词典curse at full blast:狗血喷头。
狗血喷头[gǒu xuè pēn tóu]
pour out a torrent of abuse; abuse ... up hill and down dale; be scolded in a very humiliating fashion; curse at full blast; curse someone very throughly.; douse sb. in a torrent of abuse; let loose a stream of abuse (against sb.); plaster a person with ab
1. pour out a torrent of abuse:
82.一五一十 recounted everything |
84.狗血喷头 pour out a torrent of abuse |
85.风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 to be seized with imaginary fears
2. pour out a flood of invective:13. 狗腿子 hired thug; lackey; henchman | 14. 狗血喷头 pour out a flood of invective | 15. 狗眼看人低 be damned snobbish; act like a snob
3. pour out a flood of invective against sb.; curse someone very thoroughly:狗尾续貂 make an unworthy continuation of a great work | 狗血喷头 pour out a flood of invective against sb.; curse someone very thoroughly | 狗眼看人低 be a bloody snob; look down upon everybody els...
4. pour head with dog blood:狼心狗肺 wolf's heart, dog's lung | 狗血喷头 pour head with dog blood | 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 marry cock, go with cock; marry dog, go with dog