词典fall on the ground face down:狗吃屎。
1. 狗吃屎在线翻译
1. 我在楼梯上跌了个狗吃屎。
I took a bad spill on the stairs.
2. 当我拍照时,不小心拌了一下,几乎跌了个狗吃屎。
While taking a picture, I stumbled and nearly fell on my face.
3. 狗吃屎
3. 从这方面来说的话,那么狗吃屎的现象更倾向于是一种行为,就是说,越经常发生的事情,狗狗越容易重复来做。
The more a behavior occurs the more likely it will be repeated.
4. 他出去时,在门槛上绊了一下,几乎跌了个狗吃屎。-个别事件
While going out, he stumbled over the threshold and nearly fell over his face.
5. 在技术上,更文明的对于狗狗吃屎的解释是异食癖,这是很正常的,确切的说,这种行为在犬科动物中很普遍,当然了,狗妈妈在小狗还没有长大到可以离开巢穴去排泄的时候,会吃掉小狗的排泄物。
The technical, more polite name for what you are describing in your dog`s behavior is coprophagia.
6. 狗吃屎
6. 不一会儿,他在碎石路上跌了个狗吃屎,裤子撕破,露出了右腿的膝盖。
Next moment his nose was buried in the macadam and his right knee was out through his torn garment.