

狎昵[xiá nì]

词典be improperly familiar with狎;狎昵;狎亵。

狎昵 汉英大词典

狎昵[xiá nì]

be improperly familiar with

狎昵 双语例句

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1. 我不想脱光衣服去同我的爱人大海相狎昵
    I will not strip the clothes from my body to meet my lover the sea

2. 狎昵是什么意思

2. 我们要狎昵感敌人报复、扯平,要比朋友高出一筹。
    We try to get even with our enemies, and ahead of our friends.

3. 狎昵的翻译

3. 这意思是说,劝朋友时,态度要严肃正直,否则他们会因为平日的狎昵,而轻忽我们的劝告;但是虽然态度要严肃正直,言词却必须委婉有技巧,知道怎样去诱导对方,让对方容易接受。
    Yet we must also choose our words carefully, so that they find our advice easy to accept.

4. 狎昵是什么意思

4. 在其中,狎昵的意念已遮遮掩掩地伸出了它温柔的指尖。
    Voluptuousness mingles there with its sweet tiny point, while it hides itself.

5. 对人要和气,可是不要过分狎昵
    Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried

6. 孩子小时,对父母就狎昵而不知恭敬;稍长,父母稍不满他的愿,就会认为父母不再关心他;长大后,自然动辄迕逆反抗,成为一个不孝子。
    Children will become too familiar with their parents when they are little, and will not know to respect their parents.

7. 狎昵

7. 在狎昵念意的跟前,心,为了更好地爱,后退了。
    The heart draws back before voluptuousness only to love the more.

8. 同时注重夫妻情感的深挚长久,而反对夫妻情感过于狎昵
    At the same time, they pay attention to sincere and long couples'emotion but oppose intimate couples'emotion.
