1. 特迁的近义词
1. 为了扭转明中期以来军备废弛的现状,适应明中期国防的实际需要,高拱改革军事体制,增加兵部官员,创设军事官员人才储备制度、特迁制度、边防官员休假和内迁制度等激励机制,同时强化军备人员不职误事的惩处之制等,使明中后期军备一度振兴,边防形势大为改观,其改革意义重大,在明代历史上举足轻重。
In order to improve the situation of armament deficiency in Mid-Ming Dynasty to adapt to the frontier defense, Gao Gong reformed the military system——increasing the number of army officials, establishing the talents recruiting system, post changing system, vacation system for frontier officials and internal post exchanging system.