

Pull the situation;
牵情 网络解释

1. Far-fetched love:03.读你 Understanding you | 04.牵情 Far-fetched love | 05.潇洒的走 Leave without regret

牵情 双语例句

1. oVld4c beW0 忽有琴声悠悠传来,将这月色里的小街弹拨的飘飘游游,不知为何,我又突然想起了那刚下飞机时从桂林两江国际机场去到桂林市区时所乘坐的大巴车音响里那牵情的女声:高山上一滴水,曲折潆洄,便流出了一条漓江;大海中一片石,升降沉浮,便化出了这片奇景。
    Suddenly there came Pieces leisurely, this moonlight, the fluttering of the street plucked string yo-yo, I do not know why, I suddenly remembered that when the plane had just two river from Guilin International Airport when they go to the Guilin bus ride Car audio, then pull the situation of the female voice: the mountains drop of water, winding eddy whirl, then drained out of a Li River; the sea a stone, lift ups and downs, then out of this piece of spectacle.

2. 牵情的翻译

2. a%q0 一曲杨堤翠竹清流荡漾,至此八仙游江山势回环,漓江两岸情景交融,似牵情的诗话,不但让凡尘间人迷迷地追,也让天界的仙沉沉地醉,还让这自然中物痴痴地寻。
    Yang Di Bamboo qingliu waves, bringing the Eight Immortals Jiangshan potential loop tour, Lijiang River scenes and the two sides, it may become excited in Poetry, not only for inter-Fan Chen who drifted to recover, let heaven cents lifeless ground drunk, but also so that the natural the material wait senselessly searching.

3. 牵情

3. 放眼天空,极目四野,睹物感怀,触景牵情,春天直如一幅气韵夺人的生机勃勃的画幅,让人徜徉流连。
    Looking at the sky, monastery is surrounded by Shino, Du Wu Thanks for the Memories, Chujing become excited, spring straight as a Qiyun the dynamic frame that takes away people, people wandering around linger.

4. 牵情的意思

4. 流叶千古总牵情&宋代传奇《流红记》及其在元明时代的传播岳飞做为宋代名将,他的英雄事迹名垂千古。
    Red Leaf Story and It s Spread in Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty; as a famous Song dynasty general, the heroic deeds of Yuefei are immortalized.
