

爽约[shuǎng yuē]

词典fail to keep an appointment[法]失约。

词典break an appointment违约,失约。

爽约 汉英大词典

爽约[shuǎng yuē]


[书] fail to keep an appointment; break an appointment

爽约 网络解释

1. retraction:retornados;归国侨民;; | retraction;取消; 撤回; 食言; 爽约;; | retraining;再训练;;

2. 爽约是什么意思

2. stand someone up:busted 受伤的 | stand someone up 爽约 | don't hate 别生气

3. fail to turn up:踐約 carry out terms of agreement; | 爽約 fail to turn up; | 赴約 go to appointment;

爽约 双语例句

1. 爽约的反义词

1. 年时间。后来有一天,在他安排的约会处,理查德爽约没有来。
    Under the stars, he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him. Of cour

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 我在等人,不过他们爽约了。
    I was expecting someone, but they've gone AWOL.

3. 爽约

3. 之所以有效,是因为你要是有一个伙伴一起锻炼的话,你就不愿意爽约,一定会去锻炼,这就不像你独自锻炼的时候,有时会偷懒——很多人在累了或者忙的时候,都会有取消锻炼的冲动。
    Why it works:if you set an appointment with a workout partner, you won't want tomiss it. You'll make sure you're there, unlike when you work out byyourself — many people are very tempted just to cancel theirworkouts if they're a little tired or busy.

4. 现在,维尔斯和阿德尔曼二度将相和,他最终能带着良好的状态进入球场吗?态度决定一切,所有的扇子们都无限YY过他曾迸发过的进攻火力能在上赛季的托幽塔上演,他爽约了;这个赛季呢?
    Can Bonzi Wells, now reunited with Adelman, finally step onto the floor in the proper playing shape and with the right attitude to provide the additional scoring option that was promised and never delivered last season?

5. 但是爽约的话又会给我们俱乐部名声——信得过的商业合作伙伴,带来巨大的伤害。
    Welching on these deals would do a lot of harm to our reputation as a reliable business partner.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 在贵州电视台突然宣布取消合作后,除夕当晚,两家网站也齐刷刷爽约
    After Guizhou TV station announces suddenly to cancel to cooperate, the New Year's Eve that evening, two websites are brushed together also brush break an appointment.

7. 虽然你可以不在乎外界对你的争议甚至你也可以制造争议但你不能失去信誉,否则你就不是一个商人而是一个骗子;信誉具体包括你如果和别人约了2:00见面,那么你绝对不可以1:50以前或者2:01以后出现,如遇交通堵塞或意外事件,那你必须及时通知对方,除非你出了车祸遇到空难昏迷不醒或者已经死亡,否则你都没有理由爽约、早到太早或迟到太迟,而你的涵养则体现在对待对方不守时不守承诺的态度与包容等方面;而一旦当你确认对方是在为了利益而一再欺骗你,那么你对对方做出的一切行为都不过分,甚至你可以将计就计,反过来给他画一个饼!
    Reputation in this sense encompasses: if you agree to meet at 2:00, then you cannot arrive before 1:50 or after 2:01; if you meet with traffic problems or unexpected problems, then you must timely inform the person you`re meeting, only if you have a car accident or plane difficulties and you end up unconscious or dead, otherwise you have no possible reason to break an appointment, if you`re too early or too late, then there`s no way that other people will be able to assure that you are punctual or trustworthy; if in a single day you assure someone else and again and again they break their end of the promise, then you can beat them at their own game: next time screw them over!

8. 爽约

8. 我不知道你是怎么教你儿子的但他爽约
    I don't know howyou raised your son, but he just stood me up for a date.

9. 他爽约了,我等了一个多钟头
    He never showed. I waited for over an hour.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 我不是有意对你爽约,我有太多工作要做了。
    B: I didn't mean to stand you up, but I had too much work to do.

11. 爽约

11. 好的,不能再爽约哦!
      All right, I'm gonna hold you to that.

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12. 好吧,那下次好了好的,不能再爽约
      Okay, next time. All right, I'm gonna hold you to that.

13. 他因女友爽约而心情不好。
      He was in a foul mood because he had been stood up.

14. 爽约的意思

14. 我们昨晚本来要一起吃晚饭的,但他爽约了。
      We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up

15. 爽约什么意思

15. 我爽约没有看我儿子的比赛。
      I took the night off to watch my son play again.

16. 爽约

16. 不论如何,那天我爽约了很对不起。
      Anyway, sorry I didn't keep the appointment that day.

17. 一切都准备好了。然而不知为什么,他却爽约退出了。
      Everything was set up. then, mysteriously, he backed out.

18. 我昨晚不是有意要爽约的。
      I didn't mean to stand you up last night.

19. 去年当麦凯恩爽约,他的光辉时刻便来临了。
      Last year his moment of glory came when John McCain cancelled on him.

20. 我第一次对男生爽约
      My first time to dump a man.
