

Hot rolling;
热滚滚 双语例句

1. 大地热滚滚的,不得一刻安宁。
    The earth was heated and unrest every day.

2. 热滚滚

2. 大地热滚滚的,不得一刻安宁。
    The earth was heated and unrest everyday.

3. 热滚滚在线翻译

3. 但似乎姐姐没有看见我,她把水打开想洗手,但是,那时热滚滚的热水,正好我的膝盖放在水龙头的下面。
    However, it seems that her sister did not see me, she would like to wash their hands to open the water, but then hot rolling the hot water on my knee just below the tap.

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4. 炉子散发着热滚滚的气流,烤箱里飘出诱人的气味,大家就在这样的气氛里聊着那些温馨的、激动的故事。
    The kitchen would be alive with the heat of the stove, wonderful smells drifting from the oven, and everyone chattering about warm memories or exciting stories.

5. 客观条件的种种,快速地自四方八面汹涌而来,人们的价值观直指名利、野心、贪婪等各种欲望;这些欲望在热滚滚的涌泉中毫无节制的伸展,扩张,已经到了一发而不可收拾的地步。
    All objective conditions are rushing down from all direction. Peoples` values are focused on fame, interest, ambition, and possession. All those desires expending unlimitedly in uproar, it seems no one can stop them.
