1. 如果这次考试能够顺利通过,我可真是烧高香了。
If I pass this examination, I`ll thank God.
2. 我妹妹玛亚、艾玛、我的其他兄弟姊妹们,烧高香你们给我的所有支持。
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 我们能看破红尘的一个角落,遇事保持一个平常心,就是烧高香了。
We should be thankful for if we can see through one part of this mundane world, and keep a peaceful heart for everything.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 现在回过头来看,甚少人知道,当时的创维公关团队是如何的撒网磕头拜佛烧高香,以一天数十篇公关软文高效、精准轰炸地传递到媒体,且持续三日。
Now look back on, very little person knows, the group of the public relations that achieve dimension at that time is how net kowtow does obeisance to Buddha to burn Gao Xiang, with a day tens of piece ground of accurate bomb of efficient, essence delivers public relations flexible language media, and last 3 days.
5. 要是他不来找我帮忙的话,我可就烧高香了。
I would thank heaven if he wouldn't come to me for help.