1. scone:而这两地的下午茶各自融入当地食物在内;在威尔士,别忘了品尝紫菜面包,这是用海菜和燕麦做成的. 此外还有一种叫巴拉伯里斯(Bara Brith)水果面包. 在苏格兰尝尝他们的短面包,烤饼(Scone)[司康饼噢噢]和燕麦饼.
2. nan:餐牌上误把豆腐当芝士,不知是手文之误还是对我国豆腐之误解了…烤麦饼(Roti)及烤饼(Nan)都尚有水准印度人嗜甜,而且是非一般的甜!即使是可口可乐与百事可乐,在印度的配方都加强了甜度来适应印度人口味. 树熊不是sweettooth,
3. 烤饼的反义词
3. Scones:203. Curried Yabbies Yabbies用咖喱调料做 | 204. Scones烤饼 | 206. Croutons巴豆
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. hot cake:hot and strong 猛烈地 | hot cake 烤饼 | hot dog 热狗
1. 烤饼在线翻译
1. 来到坐下也是熟悉的环境,但餐厅的外部很明显是翻新了,看起来更光猛,而大家齐人后,也不必费心吃什麼了,因为要吃这个全羊宴,其实也是数日前已经是点了全羊餐,此餐不用二千元,包两大碟凉菜、两大碟手抓饭、人头份的烤饼及两大窝的清炖羊肉汤,当然还有一只完整的烤羊,店家。。。
Finally Tried!The 1st Time I heard about this shop was from yimtsimyan, I kinda remembered it distinctly as it was one of the very few shops she gives a big smiling face to - so it must have been at least quite impressive! Thanks to 辣子 below, I finally realised they had opened a new shop here. The shop reminds me a bit of il bel Paese or Saporito, or another shop also in...
2. 如果说俱乐部这种有组织的休闲是大人物们的特有享受,那么,象薄烤饼节一类的娱乐活动则是百姓们的消遣。
If the organized leisure, the Club is for the VIPs, then the amusement like the Pancake Race is for the commons.
3. 事实上,就在这一时刻,每个人都在做薄烤饼,而我在这写这个。
In fact, at this very minute, everyone is making pancakes, and I'm typing this.
4. 烤饼的近义词
4. 欲了解更多信息的历史和决策的烤饼。
For more information on the history and making of Scones.
5. 没有烤饼,但我有一些新鲜的面包,也是同样不错的。
No scones, but I`ve fresh b read which is just as good.
6. 你能帮我做薄烤饼吗?
A: Can you help me make pancakes?
7. 当然我会教你怎样做烤饼。
I'll teach you how to make scones.
8. 烤饼的解释
8. 我将出售英国的茶和烤饼。
I would like to sell tea and scones from England.
9. 思嘉把烤饼放在肉汤里泡了泡,再拿起来吃。
Scarlett sopped the wheat cake in the gravy and put it in her mouth.
10. 我们最好买齐所有需要的东西,因为每年的这个时候就像烤饼这样的食物都被抢购一空。
We better get all the ingredients now because at this time of year everything sells like hotcakes.
11. 烤饼
11. 除了快速面包,甜,咸两种,有华夫饼,饺子,饼干,popovers,以及其他容易烤各种货物,以及一些好吃的配菜,如水果莎莎,她霍皮蓝玉米烤饼。
In addition to quick loaves, both sweet and savory, there are waffles, dumplings, biscuits, popovers, and a variety of other easy baked goods, along with some tasty accompaniments, such as the Fruit Salsa for her Hopi Blue Corn Hotcakes.
12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
12. 你应该在烤饼前往锅里放些油。
You should __grease___ the pan before baking the cake.
13. 但我倒很喜欢那个时候跟你一起来烤饼乾。
But I would love to bake cookies with you sometime.
14. 1259(勃克。穆利根身穿深褐与浅黄色相问的小丑服,头戴装有旋涡形铃铛的丑角帽,站在那里目瞪口呆地凝视着她。他手里拿着掰开来涂了黄油、热气腾腾的甜烤饼。
1259From the top of a tower Buck Mulligan, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and clown's cap with curling bell, stands gaping at her, a smoking buttered split scone in his hand.
15. 当我看到那大楼象薄烤饼一样的倒塌下来。。。
When I saw that building going down like a pancake...
16. 烤饼是什么意思
16. 你能帮我做薄烤饼吗?在一个小时内我需要为聚会做十个薄烤饼。
A: Can you help me make pancakes I need 10 pancakes for the party in an hour.
17. 嗨,我甚至可以做薄烤饼!
Hey, even I can make pancakes!
18. 在苏格兰尝尝他们的短面包,烤饼和燕麦饼。
In Scotland taste their short bread, 烤饼, and oat cakes.
19. 911查询·英语单词
19. 我很无聊,我们烤饼干吧。
I'm bored, let's bake cookies.
20. 和俱乐部相比较,明显不同的是人们非常熟悉的烤饼节。
In contrast with club, there is the popular Pancake Day.