

烛花[zhú huā]


烛花 汉英大词典

烛花[zhú huā]




    trim off the snuff (of a candle); snuff

烛花 网络解释

1. snuffn:1275snubv. 冷落,不理睬 | 1276snuffn. 烛花,用鼻吸气,嗅,气味,鼻烟, | 1277snufflen. 鼻音,鼻息,鼻塞

烛花 双语例句

1. 这壁挂壁炉还为蜡烛燃烧和显示方便,独特的空间,简单地通过将包括剪烛花封面上方的凝胶能开口。
    This wall mount fireplace also makes a convenient and unique space for burning and displaying candles simply by placing the included snuffer cover on top of the gel can openings.

2. 她摇了摇手,指着在烛台被换成电灯之前留在屋子里的长柄烛花剪。
    She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer which had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified.

3. 像蜡烛排水系统即将发生,三个世界的8个亚种的老虎已经烛花熄灭。
    Like candles guttering in the wind, three of the world's eight subspecies of tigers have been snuffed out.

4. 烛花什么意思

4. 恰在此时,在那山岗上,在那阳光绚丽的天际出现了一个身影,就象蜡烛火焰中的一个黑色烛花
    At this moment on the ridge, up against the blazing sky, a flgure was visible, like the black snuff in the midst of a candle flame.

5. 烛花的解释

5. 在最里面的角落,在有什么躺着的床旁边的凳子上,立着一根烛芯结成一朵大烛花的脂油制的蜡烛。
    A tallow candle with a great, smouldering wick stood on a bench in the further corner, by a bed, on which something was lying.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 我把烛花剪递给她,她把带勾的一头伸进一张怪兽脸的嘴里。
    I handed her the pole, and she put the hook end in the mouth of one of the gargoyle faces.

7. 烛花在线翻译

7. 小偷当场被捕。2、烛花
    Thief 贼, 小偷The thief was caught in the act.
