

Candle oil;
烛油 双语例句

1. 烛油是什么意思

1. 随后他站在那里,有五分钟之久,一边掰掉了蜡烛滴下的烛油,一边在思索。
    Then he stood about five minutes, picking tallowdrip off of his candle and thinking.

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2. 黑色的烛油掩埋了我。
    Black candle wax has buried me.

3. 烛油在线翻译

3. 希刺克厉夫站在那里,拿着一支蜡烛,烛油直滴到他的手指上,脸色苍白得犹如他身后的墙。
    Heathcliff stood with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the walls around him.

4. 希斯克利夫站在门口,身穿衬衫和长裤,手里拿着蜡烛,烛油滴在他的手指上,而他的脸同他身后的墙一样苍白。
    Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers; with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him.

5. 烛油

5. 希斯克利夫站在门口,身穿衬衫和长裤,手里拿着蜡烛,烛油滴在他的手指上,而他的脸同他身后的墙一样苍白。
    Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers; with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him. The

6. 我想,回忆那一个可怕的下午,以及那时他所得到的温情的关怀照顾,应该教导约翰生博士,在拿起卧室里的烛台时,他的手要保持平稳,要一反他的习惯,别让融化的烛油象小河似的淌到他那美丽的保护人的华贵的地毯上去;应该还有一个更加持久的效果,在挨到酿酒商的寡妇发疯、嫁给那个可怕的人物意大利歌唱家时,要教导约翰生博士能悲天悯人。
    I think the memory of that dreadful afternoon, and of the tender care he then received, should have taught the doctor to keep his hand steady at Streatham, when he took his bed-room candlestick, from which it was his habit to shower rivulets of molten wax upon the costly carpet of his beautiful protectress; and might have even had a more enduring effect, and taught him to be merciful, when the brewer's widow went mad in her turn, and married that dreadful creature, the Italian singer.
