点补[diǎn bu]
(吃少量食品解饿) have a snack to stave off hunger; have a bite:
例:这里有点吃的, 谁饿了可以先点补点补。
Here's a bite to eat if anyone's hungry.
1. 点补是什么意思
1. Stucco:Buffed 磨革 | Stucco 点补 | Flat 扁平(多指牛皮表面颗粒凹凸感不强)
1. 多做点补的汤,如果花胶汤、清敦鸡汤都可以的。
Snack to stave off hunger to do more of the soup, if the plastic flower soup, Tun-ching of chicken soup can.
2. 点补在线翻译
2. 每行像素应该是4的倍数,不足的地方用空点补齐,读的时候注意跳。。。
It may be called from KPhoneSI as external session. Indeed, I develloped...
3. 点补的近义词
3. 通过拼接矫正耳轮上角及延长耳轮脚,点补形成耳轮结节、对耳屏及修整欠缺处,然后,耳轮与对耳轮支架进行粘合,形成胶合软骨支架。
After adjusting the upper angle of helix, protracting crus of helix, and repairing auricular tubercle, antitragus and defects, the frameworks of helix and antihelix were cohered to form the cartilage framework.
4. 点补的近义词
4. 你应该吃点补阳的食品,就像牛肉。
You should eat hot Yang foods, like beef.
5. 点补的翻译
5. 可能是脾胃出了问题,吃点补脾胃的就行
May be a problem with the spleen and stomach, spleen and stomach to eat up on the line
6. 点补的意思
6. 这里有点吃的,谁饿了可以先点补点补。
Here's a bite to eat if anyone's hungry.
7. 本文运用归纳、比较、推勘等方法探讨词义及其用法,分析其意义产生之缘由,参证《近代汉语词典》,试图对其释义作一点补证工作。
Using some methods such as induction, contrast and inductive reasoning, the thesis probes into lexical meaning and their usages and tries to do some replenish work for the paraphrase of modern Chinese lexicon.
8. 点补什么意思
8. 如今,人们主食吃得越来越少,粗粮,杂粮更是成为了餐桌上的点补,造成了营养的不均衡。
Nowadays, people eat less of the principal foods, coarse food grain, food grains other than wheat and rice has even become a delicacy on the dining table, creating an unbalanced nutrition.