



词典Bingling Monastery Grottoes Binglingsi Grottoes炳灵寺石窟。

炳灵寺石窟 网络解释

1. 炳灵寺石窟在线翻译

1. Grottoes In Bingling Temple:03.麦积山石窟 The Maiji Shijan Grottoes | 04.炳灵寺石窟 Grottoes In Bingling Temple | 05.马蹄寺石窟 Grottoes In Mati Temple

炳灵寺石窟 双语例句

1. 永靖地区有精美的炳灵寺石窟艺术,多彩的古生物化石,多彩的彩陶文物等,这些都为永靖傩文化的产生、发展创造了优良的文化环境和有利条件。
    The fine Bingling temple grotto art, abundant fossils, and the colorful pottery artifacts create a good cultural environment and favorable conditions for the emergence and development of Nuo culture in Yongjing.

2. 炳灵寺石窟唐永隆二年诸龛简论主要景点有唐代的宝塔树,兴国寺,九,文昌庙,舜寺和石佛头。
    The main scenic spots include pagoda-tree of the Tang Dynasty, Xingguo Temple, Nine Spots Terrace, Wenchang Temple, Shun Temple and Stone Buddhist Head.

3. 炳灵寺石窟的反义词

3. 驰名中外的炳灵寺石窟是沿古丝绸之路寻胜访古的旅游热点之一。
    Binglingsi famous grottoes along the ancient Silk Road wins look for one of Cuba's tourist spots.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 炳灵寺藏传佛教的研究对打破炳灵寺石窟汉传佛教和藏传佛教研究现状的不平衡具有重要的现实意义。
    It has a great signification for the breaking research imbalance between Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism in Bingling Temple.

5. 炳灵寺石窟的意思

5. 炳灵寺石窟加固工程评价
    Assessment of the Reinforcing Project in Bingling Temple

6. 炳灵寺石窟的反义词

6. 炳灵寺石窟因其特殊的历史地理位置,元末明初之际,藏传佛教随着中央王朝的扶持传入炳灵寺,并在这块神奇的土地上蓬勃发展。
    Bingling Temple because of its unique historical location, during the occasion of Yuan and Ming, Tibetan Buddhism spread into Bingling Temple and developed flourishingly at this magical earth.

7. 这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟
    Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsi Grotto.

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8. 西秦时就已出现了绘制的弥勒像,如甘肃炳灵寺石窟中即有。
    When the West Qinling has been drawing the Maitreya appeared as if Binglingsi Grottoes in Gansu that is.

9. 炳灵寺石窟的反义词

9. 炳灵寺石窟在承袭前代民间艺术的基础上,吸收和融合外来佛教艺术,以崭新的姿态、简洁的手法,创造了生动的雕塑形象和绘画艺术。
    Inherited Binglingsi Grotto in the previous generation of folk art on the basis of the absorption and integration of foreign Buddhist art with a new attitude, concise way to create a vivid image of the sculpture and painting.

10. 炳灵寺石窟被人们比作艺术雕塑馆,炳灵石林则是一座天然雕塑馆。
    Binglingsi Grotto was for art than sculpture Hall, Lingshi Ping Lin is a natural sculpture museum.

11. 炳灵寺石窟的近义词

11. 炳灵寺石窟分上寺和下寺。
      Sub-Binglingsi Grotto Temple on the Temple and the next.
