






灶火 双语例句

1. 在你搭好了灶火之后
    After you made a fire in the hearth

2. 其他措施有:只允许做饭用的单个灶火和只允许在屋外生火,如果可能的话。
    Other measures include allowing individual fires for cooking only and building fires outdoors only, if possible.

3. 太阳炊具或灶火已经使用了上百年。
    Solar cookers, or ovens, have been used for centuries.

4. 源于把稍后需进一步烹制的菜肴暂时放至炉台上靠后的灶火上煨着而先烹调其它的。
    B back burner the condition of being at low priority - usually used in put on the back burner.

5. 源于把稍后需进一步烹制的菜肴暂时放至炉台上靠后的灶火上煨着而先烹调其它的。
    Bback burner the condition of being at low priority - usually used in put on the back burner.

6. 灶火

6. 克拉丽莎觉得这太难看了,而且外门旁边就是灶火也很危险。
    Clarissa thinks this looks awful and that it's dangerous to have a gas flame right next to an exterior door.

7. 灶火是什么意思

7. 无数次拥坐在噼哩叭啦的灶火前看妈妈煮面,是一幅别有韵味的画。
    Numerous pro-juh sitting in the Pi-mile Bala to see your mother before the noodles are one of the paintings do not have charm.

8. 美——只见他满脸放光,奕奕地穿破灶火烟儿的纤云,照耀着我们,看他这么光彩照人地拌材料,配剂量,品味道,造的不像料酒劳什子的,倒俨然子孙万万世的家业。
    It was wonderful to see his face shining at us out of a thin cloud of these delicate fumes, as he stirred, and mixed, and tasted, and looked as if he were making, instead of punch, a fortune for his family down to the latest posterity.

9. 她笑着揶揄海喜喜。灶火映着她生动的脸,我很久没有看见过这种红闪闪的美丽的鲜艳的颜色了。
    You go to jump into a river… she smiled to tease Hai Xi Xi, the fire in the stove shone her lively face, for a long time, I had not seen this kind of red and beautiful and bright color.

10. 灶火是什么意思

10. 他们在灶火上方挂了一个烧水壶。
    They hung a kettle over the fire.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 灶王爷就是玉皇大帝手下的一位大官儿,他掌管人间的灶火。灶就是古代人们做饭的地方。
      The Kitchen God is a senior officer of the Jade Emperor of Heaven. He is in charge of the stove of the human world.

12. 灶火的反义词

12. 他赶紧把灶火里面的灰盖在上面
      He hurries to spry the stove ash on it

13. 不要把饭锅和水壶装得太满,否则煮沸后溢出汤水,既浪费能源,又容易扑灭灶火,引发燃气泄漏。
      Do not Fanguo and kettle with too full, overflow or after boiling soup, it would be a waste of energy, and easy to Fight Zaohuo triggered gas leak.

14. 由各家带回家重新生起灶火
      Who would then take them home to start new cooking fires.

15. 那边坐着乔,在灶火边的老地方抽着烟斗,尽管有点白发,但仍然像从前那样健壮;
      There, smoking his pipe in the old place by the kitchen fire, as healthy and as strong as ever, though a little grey, sat Joe;

16. 灶火的近义词

16. 古代烹饪所使用的器具,跟烹调技术、饮食习惯密不可分,同时也与灶火火力的运用有关。
      The cooking utensils used in ancient China are inseparable from cooking techniques, catering customs as well as the operation of furnace fire.
