

灰沉 双语例句

1. 如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我。
    If your sky is grey oh let me know.

2. 如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我
    Yes i show you what real love can do!

3. 不再听我的灰沉沉播放列。
    No longer listen to my winter blue playlist.

4. 如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我 N~H9|CX
    If your sky is grey oh let me know Rg!

5. 我们当中的有一些人可能会放一些白色的水仙花,其散放出的香味有助于驱除那种灰沉沉的气氛。
    Some of us may have some Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs in bloom and their highly scented white flower clusters can lift the spirits.

6. 灰沉沉的暮色正开始笼罩着海面和沙滩。
    The grey colors of evening were beginning to spread across the ocean and the sand.

7. 灰沉的解释

7. 罗伯特·乔丹仰望着灰沉沉的天空,只见太阳变成一团昏黄。
    Robert Jordan looked up at the thick gray of the sky with the sun gone faintly yellow.

8. 我看独处,孤独和寂寞是不同的:寂寞是消极的,灰沉的;独处是积极的,进取的;孤独是指你身边没有人的外在环境。
    Being alone involves only physical separation, but being lonely includes spiritual, psychological separation or isolation.

9. 天慢慢的又灰沉下来。整个人的心情也无比惆怅起来。
    The day slowly ash sinks down Gives people a hard time the mood incomparably is also disconsolate.

10. 灰沉天是冬季的典型气候,有时伴有零零星星的一点降雪。
    Winters are typically grey and dreary, with little or no snowfall.

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11. 我整理整理包包,窗外灰沉天空下的华电依然很美
      When he enables me to passionate in a dream, How could he not be my dream man!

12. 当火车驶出湖北省境地的时候,灰沉的天空中淋淋的夏起了小雨。
      When the train exit when the situation in Hubei Province, gray sky Linlin Shen Xia played a light rain.

13. 灰沉的翻译

13. 作品为了展示个人与群体之间的莫名紧张状态,惯以学童形象的描绘对象,不太注重描绘人物脸上的表情而通过描绘姿态来展示群体的力量,阴郁灰沉的画面气氛喻示高低贵贱的群体等级差异,个人在群体中的位置以及对群体的忠誉感和怀疑。
      In order to show the intense state between individuals and groups of people, the paintings take children as objects to depict, and show the strength of the groups by their gestures but not by the expressions on their faces. The gloomy atmosphere of the painting informs social estate differences of the groups, the position of individuals in groups and suspicions to the groups.

14. 这幅画呈现出二月清晨那种寒冷、荒凉、灰沉沉的景色。
      The picture presents the bleak, bare, greyish scene of a February morning.

15. 可是第二天,姚发现蓝天变成灰沉沉的,道路旁金色的稻草也变成灰暗的了。
      But in the second, the blue sky has changed as a grey one, the golden haulms besides the road as grey ones.

16. 她抬眼扫视了一下这间灰沉沉的办公室。
      She glanced about the rusty office.

17. 灰沉什么意思

17. 那天阴云密布,一片灰沉沉的。他们穿过五点镇走马里塔大道时,便下起朦朦细雨来了。
      It was a gray, overcast day and, as they marched through five points and out the Marietta road, a fine rain began to fall.

18. 在灰沉沉与金灿灿之间&北京古城建筑色彩之魅力
      Between Gray and Golden & Charm From the Color of Buildings in the Ancient City, Beijing

19. 在灰沉沉的天底下,忽而来一阵凉风,便息列索落地下起雨来了。
      Under the deep sky, after a cool wind departed and then will be a scattered rainfall.
