


词典candle lights灯烛。

灯烛 双语例句

1. 但孤零零插在花瓶里,配着黄色的背景,给人的是种凄凉的感觉,似乎是盛宴散后,灯烛未灭的那种空荡荡的光景,令人为之心沉。
    But they are now bundled together lonely in a vase against the pale yellow background.

2. 给人的是种凄凉的感觉,似乎是盛宴散后,灯烛未灭的那种空荡荡的光景,令人为之心沉。
    It is like the scene of an empty room with several ablazed candles left after an excited dinner, which arouses people's sympathy.

3. 灯烛的意思

3. 若将灯烛点燃,烟雾袅袅上升,进入鱼与鹈鹕相连的管道,凝积成烟灰,可导入鹈鹕体内,溶入水中。
    Ifdeng zhu lit Madadayo smoke rising into the fish and pelicans connected pipes, condensate Jicheng soot, pelicans into the body may be, into the water.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 妈妈带来了许多装饰品:薄饼乾、圣诞灯、小天使和星星、灯烛、糖果和花色糕点、丝带和纸链。。。。。。
    Mother has brought many ornaments: Thin biscuit, Christmas lamp, small angel and star, lamp candle, candy and variety cakes and pastries, ribbon and paper chain......

5. 灯烛的翻译

5. 透过灯烛辉煌的窗子望进去,人人似乎都在作什么准备。
    Glimpsed through lamplit windows, everybody seems to be getting ready for something.

6. 灯烛

6. 20:8 我们聚会的那座楼上、有好些灯烛
    And there were a number of lights in the room where we had come together.

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7. 知识是引导人生到达光明与真实境界的灯烛
    Knowledge is the candle to conduct you to the bright and true life.

8. 灯烛什么意思

8. 我们聚会的那座楼上、有好些灯烛
    There were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting.

9. 我们聚会的那座楼上,有好些灯烛
    There were many lamps in the upper room where we were gathered.

10. 灯烛的解释

10. 我们聚会的那座楼上,有好些灯烛
    8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.

11. 中秋月夜,在塔里点上灯烛,洞口蒙上薄纸,灯光从纸中透出,宛如一轮轮明月,倒影在湖中。
      Moonlight mid-autumn, in the tower dot light the lamp illuminates, mouth of a cave cheats flimsy, light goes fully from inside paper, as if be like round of bright moon one round, inverted image is in the lake.

12. 灯烛

12. 你知道甜美的音乐的欢乐,灯烛辉煌的舞厅和舞蹈者的欢乐么?
      Joy of sweet music, joy of the lighted ball-room and the dancers?

13. 灯烛在线翻译

13. 向灯烛辉煌的窗子望去,人人似乎都在准备什么。
      Glimpsed through lamp lit windows, everybody seems to be getting ready for something.

14. 花园里灯火通明,客厅里更是灯烛辉煌,一屋子的客人,一屋子的笑语喧哗。
      The lights in the garden, the living room is brilliant Deng Zhu, a guest house, a house of noisy laughter.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 那母女俩辛勤劳苦,从楼上一路工作下来,一直工作到五点钟光景,外面天黑了,整个客厅都灯烛辉煌,其时她们已经快要擦到楼梯脚。
      With painstaking diligence they worked downward until about five o`clock; it was dark outside, and all the lobby was brightly lighted.

16. 灯烛的反义词

16. 他们走在街心,踏着石板路,看着两旁灯烛辉煌的店铺和酒馆,觉得心里轻松许多,刚才的事情好像只是一个凄楚的梦。
      Walking along the cobble-stoned thoroughfare and observing the brightly burning lamps in the stores and wine shops that lined the way, they shook off the depression their meeting with Mei had engendered.

17. 灯烛

17. 知识是引导人们到光明和真实境界的灯烛
      Knowledge is the candle that leads people to the bright and real world.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 堂屋里,灯烛燃得跟白天一样地明亮,正中两扇正门大开。
      Lights in the hall were burning bright as day, but the two big doors were wide open.

19. 他可以买纸笔和灯烛,便坐下来写信,直写到牢里规定的熄灯时间。
      Being allowed to purchase the means of writing, and a light, he sat down to write until such time as the prison lamps should be extinguished.

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20. 在中国,一个人能传导许多人,能教育培养出这般圣洁之士,他们每位都会成为人类世界的明亮灯烛
      In China one can teach many souls and train and educate such divine personages that each one of them may become the bright candle of the world of humanity.
