

Price oneself out of the market;
漫天叫价 双语例句

1. 我们的花很漂亮,但我们并不因为一品是花中极品就漫天叫价,我们是以合理的利润来定价,且是标准价格,并不因不同的营业员而有不同价格,所以敬请消费者放心。
    By living up to their reputation, the products in which they provide are of high quality, as their flowers are imports of the praiseworthy suppliers from around the world. Hence, being one of the most successful flower shops in Hong Kong.

2. 漫天叫价的解释

2. 我一直认为整套的专业抓龙,根本就没什麼,但是总有些江湖郎中,为了敲您的竹杠,竟然对马儿的一些小毛病漫天叫价,狮子大开口。
    I used to think that the entire chiropractic profession was nothing but a bunch of charlatans out to fleece unsuspecting individuals out of their wealth with the promise of a magical cure to their ailments.

3. 漫天叫价的翻译

3. 市民是否入市,关键在价钱,尤其近年新盘漫天叫价,往往比二手楼高出三、四成,令准买家觉得不合理而却步。
    It is not that they do not have a need for flats, especially in the past one year or so when there were relatively fewer new units on the market and the momentum for buying was building up.
