

The mountain is covered with Valley;
满山满谷 双语例句

1. 满山满谷的解释

1. 当他看到满山满谷堆积的尸首时,他心里充满了颤栗。
    He was filled with horror as he saw the bodies of the dead lying in heaps in the valleys.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 他买给她满山满谷的礼物。
    He showered her with gifts.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 映入眼帘的,是满山满谷的垃圾,和到处蚊虫飞舞的倾斜破屋。
    A slanted wooden house overflowing with garbage and mosquitoes greets the volunteers'eyes.

4. 满山满谷的洛神花,依山傍海的美景,环绕金锋乡嘉兰村,这处美如诗画的原民部落在2005年落成,同年海棠台风却带走十多户民宅,四年后 2009年8月8日,同样河岸同样洪水,又再无情的夺走五十六户家园。
    Four years later, on August 8th 2009, the same force of nature demolished 56 homes along the exact same river bank.
