1. 法国的国庆日是对黩武主义,神话故事,媒体庸俗报道的溢美之辞
France's national day is a tribute to militarism, mythology and media kitsch
2. 对于梅雷莱斯达格利什也是满口溢美之辞,继上周对阵埃弗顿打入其俱乐部第一球之后,此番对阵麦卡锡的球队,他在禁区外攻入一记世界波。
Dalglish was also full of praise for Meireles, who followed up his first club strike against Everton last week with a belter from outside the box versus Mick McCarthy's men.
3. 听起来好像每个人都被告知,将根据他们对成功组织溢美之辞的重视程度来评判他们的表现&其结果是一些聪明人想到了把它应用于着装规范的天才想法。
It sounds as if everyone has been told they will be judged according to how seriously they take the Winning Organisation claptrap & with the result that some bright spark has had the genius idea of applying it to the dress code.
4. 那么,什么时候这些溢美之辞才能转化为更多的工资收入呢?
So when will those kind words translate into more money?
5. 溢美之辞的意思
5. 但这些溢美之辞并没有扩大到美联储本身。
But those compliments weren't extended to the central bank itself.
6. 爱德华兹博士,谢谢你的溢美之辞。
Dr. Edwards, thanks for your kind words.
7. 溢美之辞的意思
7. 虽然止步于三强,但她的实力得到了很多人的肯定,连最苛刻的Simon都对她给出了溢美之辞
That's why I'm lonely, lonely, lonelyI am so lonely, lonely
8. 这次的实验简直无可比拟,报章杂志争相传诵的溢美之辞,为公司免费打了价值逾百万美元的广告。
The experiment was so unique thatnewspapers and magazines gave it more than a million dollars'worth of laudatorypublicity.
9. 如果你象大多数父母们一样的话,相信赞扬对孩子们的成功至关重要,这些溢美之辞会提高孩子们的自尊和表现,就会赞许他们。
If you're like most parents, you offer praise to your children believing it is the key to their success -- those flattering words can boost a child's self-esteem and performance.