

The inexhaustible;
源源不竭 双语例句

1. 源源不竭在线翻译

1. 为将来进一步发展和壮大注入源源不竭的动力。
    For the future to further develop and strengthen the stream into an inexhaustible power.

2. 源源不竭的近义词

2. 这个统一战线是如此巩固,它具备了战胜任何敌人和克服任何困难的坚强的意志和源源不竭的能力。
    To defeat every enemy and overcome every difficulty.

3. 在天资聪颖、才华横溢的基础之上,再加上后天的训练——一般的教育和专业教育——二者结合的结果就为个人在工作实践中的持续发展提供了源源不竭的动力。
    Then comes training--general and special education and system--and after that the energy of continuous application.

4. 源源不竭的反义词

4. 这个统一战线是如此巩固,它具备了战胜任何敌人和克服任何困难的坚强的意志和源源不竭的能力。
    This united front is so solid that it possesses the resolute will and the inexhaustible capacity to defeat every enemy and overcome every difficulty.

5. 源源不竭

5. 绿狗》一直源源不竭的为周春芽提供着创作的激情和动力。
    The Green Dogs series supplied continually Zhou Chunya with creative inspiration and impetus.

6. 欧曼公司以全新的管理理念,聘用深资的管理、销售精英,运用先进的管理方法,打造了一支卓越、高效、超群的学习型团队,同时具备多层次、多方位、多形式的知识结构,为企业的可持续发展提供源源不竭的人力资源,从而确保企业的竞争力永不衰竭。
    Auman company to new management concepts, to employ deep-funded management, marketing elite, the application of advanced management methods, to create a superior, efficient, Chaoqun learning team, along with multi-level, multi-directional, multi-form knowledge structure for the sustainable development of enterprises to provide an inexhaustible flow of human resources, thus ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises will never run out.

7. 在容器的内部,核聚变产生的巨大能量如同太阳的光和热——安全、清洁、源源不竭
    In the interior of container, the tremendous energy that nuclear fusion produces is mixed as the light of the sun hot -- safe, clean, in a steady stream not exhaust.

8. 在我们所生活的这个商业社会,时不时地会有一些重大的流氓欺诈传闻;我们听到了这一类传闻,许多人眉飞色舞地议论一番,也有一些人私底下暗地里对其倾倒崇拜不已,起而仿效者亦不乏其人;但是,不管怎么样,除了个别极为特殊的例外情况外,我还不曾见过商业欺诈行为带来源源不竭的财富的事例。
    There is now and then a case of brilliant rascality known among us; and we hear of this, and talk of this, and talk of it; we are inclined, some of us, to admire it; but, after all, there are no cases, except very exceptional cases, wherein roguery has led to fortune.

9. 源源不竭的近义词

9. 在现代社会文化产业迅速发展的今天,非物质文化遗产更是埋藏深厚的文化宝藏和文化产业源源不竭的力量之源。
    Especially today, when cultural industry is gaining momentum, the intangible cultural heritages turn into a deeply-buried cultural treasure and an endless source for the power of cultural industry.
