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游巡 网络解释

1. 游巡的意思

1. vlworp:昏黄,夜.nkrad | 游巡.vlworp | 测探.ngnitceted

游巡 双语例句

1. 游巡

1. 功渔会在母鱼罐外游巡并试图攻击母鱼,将水帮浦打开制造水流,公鱼会逆流而游,就让公鱼维持此运动大约15分钟,这会使公鱼强健身材与发展出好的呼吸技巧
    He will swim around the female bottle to try to figtht the female. Turn on the water pump to flow the water around tank. Your fighter will try to go against the water flow. Let him exercise like this for 15 minutes after feeding in the morning and evening. This will give your fighter a strong body and help him to develop good breathing techniques.
