温文尔雅[wēn wén ěr yǎ]
词典genial, cultured and elegant -- refined and cultured
词典be gentle and quiet of disposition:温文尔雅。
词典cultured in manners:温文尔雅。
词典gentle and cultivated:温文尔雅;温雅。
温文尔雅[wēn wén ěr yǎ]
genial, cultured and elegant -- refined and cultured; be gentle and quiet of disposition; cultured in manners; gentle and cultivated; with pleasant and courteous behaviour:
a tone of quiet elegance;
Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar's attitude.
1. Gentle:孔融取(qu)了一(a)大梨给(ty)[指一个人]他的品德(quality)十分高尚一个处于更(gen)年期的男人提(t)着一把伞,温文尔雅(gentle)地走来了(le)一个处于更(gen)年期的男人提(t)着一把伞,温文尔雅(gentle)地走来了(le)
2. 温文尔雅
2. He's gentle and he seems to me:He's shy and he speaks quietly 他腼腆而安静的与我诉说 | He's gentle and he seems to me 温文尔雅 | Like the elf-arrow 在我眼中他如精灵的箭头凌厉却不露锋芒
3. 温文尔雅
3. gentle and cultivated:自食其果:to eat one's own bitter fruit | 温文尔雅:gentle and cultivated | 一针见血:hit the nail on the head
4. genteel:shades of chiffon 深浅不一的雪纺绸 | genteel 温文尔雅 | magic design 魔力设计