1. 温慈
1. 你是高贵的山羊,我是温慈的骏马。
You are a arrogant goat, I am a gentle noble horse.
2. 温慈的意思
2. 对这种灰心、多病、受试探而堕落的人,耶稣就要说些最温慈怜悯的话,就是他们所需要并且能明白的。
From the time when the parents of Jesus found Him in the temple, His course of action was a mystery to them.
3. 今日,面对人类一切的患难,他依然敞开著他那温慈同情的心。
Today the same tender, sympathizing heart is open to all the woes of humanity.
4. 众圣者带著极其深切、温慈的关怀,从天上光明的世界到地上来。
With a deeper and more tender interest the holy beings from the world of light are drawn to the earth.
5. 他为门徒洗脚时,也曾温慈地洗犹大的脚。
He tenderly included Judas in the ministry to the disciples.